About genish.js and this tutorial

genish.js is basically a compiler; it takes JavaScript defining a synthesis algorithm and creates an optimized version of it. It uses many tricks to optimize, such as managing its own memory for faster de-referencing and baking data into the callback whenever possible to avoid de-referencing altogether. Most importantly, it is optimized for per-sample processing, enabling a variety of forms of synthesis that aren't possible using the block-based audio API included in browsers. The major tradeoff with per-sample processing is efficiency, which is why an optimized library like genish.js becomes necessary.

This tutorial is designed to be reasonably accessible for people who haven't done much audio synthesis / DSP. In addition to showing how to create algorithms like FM synthesis, I'll also explain the terminology associated with it. In the end I hope it's a good introduction to both the basics of creating oscillators, performing modulation, and using feedback in addition to an introduction to using genish.js specifically. The tutorial also handles some of the gruntwork of getting an audio callback in browser for you, and provides a convenience method, play(), that automatically turns a graph of ugens into an audio callback and runs it. In this way it's similar to the genish.js playground. The end of the tutorial will cover how to use genish.js outside the tutorial in your own projects.

A quick taste

Before we get started, here's what we'll build: a FM synthesizer that creates a gong sound. But we'll start from the ground up, including how to build oscillators, how to add interactivity, and most importantly how to use single-sample feedback loops, which enables synthesis techniques that aren't possible using the nodes of the WebAudio API. The example below plays our final gong sound:

Some terminology

In the world of digital audio, audio signals are expected to contain a certain number of values per second; these values are often called samples and the number of samples per second contained in a signal is known as the sampling frequency[1]. Most of our work in genish.js will be creating objects called unit generators, a term coined by Max Mathews for his language Music V [2]. In genish.js unit generators (aka ugens) will output samples one at a time at a rate equal to the sample frequency. By chaining unit generators together we can create complex synthesis objects.

A simple start: make a number get bigger with accum()

One of the simplest ugens in genish.js is the accumulator, or accum(); this ugen simply increments an internal value. acuum accepts two inputs that can be freely changed at audio-rate: the first is the increment amount, and the second is a flag that the internal value should be reset. We can test this using the code below, just press the "RUN" button three times to view each successive call to the generated function:

The gen.createCallback method accepts a ugen ( which may contain references to many other ugens... in this case we call it a graph, where each ugen is a node) and returns a function that can be executed. When we call that function above, we see a number that gradually increases by .1. However, if you execute the callback more than ten times, you'll notice that it wraps down to 0. The accum ugen has min and max properties that can be set only on initialization[3]; by default these wrap the internally stored value to a range of {0,1}. To change these properties, we can pass a dictionary of properties as our third argument to accum. See the results by hitting the "RUN" button below four times.

Making some noise

Synthesis algorithms producing musical sound typically create repeating (or periodic) signals; non-periodic signals often are perceived as noisy. The number of times per second that a given signal repeats determines its frequency, which roughly corresponds perceptually to the pitch of a sound. One type of unit generator that easily generates a repeating signal is our previously mentioned accumulator, which increments a value until it reaches a certain specified maximum, at which point the value loops back to its specified minimum and the process starts all over again. By default, accumulators in genish.js loop between {0,1}.

Let's assume we want to create a unit generator running at 440 Hz, the traditional tuning frequency used by Western orchestras. If we want our accumulator to repeat moving between {0,1} 440 times per second, first we need to know how many samples per second our audio signal is operating at. We can access this using gen.samplerate. On most systems this will return a value of 44100, the sampling-rate used for CD quality audio, but if you have an audio interface connected to your computer you might get a higher value.

Now that we know the sampling rate and the frequency we want to use for our unit generator, we can easily figure out how much our accumulator should increment its internal value per sample: 440 / gen.samplerate. In the genish.js playground we can create an accumulator and run it as follows:

With a typical sampling rate of 44100 Hz, our accum will increment ~0.009977 per sample (440 / 44100). Hit the 'run' button beneath the code sample to start playback. The play() function in the above code example is specific to this tutorial (as well as the genish.js playground) and accepts one argument, a unit generator that it will use to render audio samples to your computer's digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Behind the scenes, play() triggers a call to gen.createCallback() which we saw earlier; the resulting function is then placed into a loop that routes the generated output to the DAC. Let's replace our number with a variable, frequency.

Try changing the value of frequency and re-executing the code. Note that higher values result in higher pitches and vice-versa. Also note that whenever you re-run a call to play(), the existing audio is terminated and replaced with the output of the new unit generator that is created.

A brief interlude: Compilation

At this point you might wonder: what does the code that genish.js compiles look like? Let's take a look at our last example, play( accum( 440/gen.samplerate ) ) to get an idea. For larger graphs the output code is quite complex, but we should be able to follow along with this simple example with a little explanation. If you don't care about understanding the compiled output (and for the vast majority of use cases there's no need to understand it) feel free to skip on down to the next section of the tutorial. You'll also need to be reasonably comfortable with JavaScript to follow this part.

Here's the output function generated by our accum[4]:

function gen( ){ 
  'use strict'
  var memory = gen.memory

  var accum1_value = memory[0];
  memory[0] += 0.009977324263038548
  if( memory[0] >= 1 ) memory[0] -= 1
  if( memory[0] < 0 ) memory[0] += 1

  gen.out[0]  = accum1_value

  return gen.out[0]

Let's break this down line by line:

  1. function gen() {: Here we create a named function. We've stored pieces of information as properties of our named function that we need to access inside of it. The first, gen.memory, holds all the memory used in the callback. This includes the current phase of accumulators, wavetables used by oscillators, audiofiles after they've been decoded, and many other types of synthesis data. The second, gen.out, is any array that holds the output of our function. For stereo graphs this will contain two values; in this mono example we populate it with a single value.

  2. 'use strict': This tells the JavaScript compiler (as opposed to the genish.js compiler) that our function will use best JS practices, which can improve performance.

  3. var memory = gen.memory: Here we de-reference our gen.memory variable (which is accessed quite frequently, especially in larger graphs) to a locally scoped variable to make it quicker to access.

  4. var accum1_value = memory[0];: Each ugen we create as an assigned index in the global memory pool (gen.memory) where it stores / accesses data. In this case, since our accum is the first (and only) ugen created, it receives an index of 0. This line of code reads the current value (aka phase) of our accumulator from this memory location and stores it for future use in our callback inside of accum1_value.

  5. memory[0] += 0.009977324263038548: Now that we've read our accumulator and stored the result, we increment its phase and write the result into our accums assigned memory location. This means the updated number will be available the next time our named gen function is called.

  6. if( memory[0] >= 1 ) memory[0] -= 1: This is the first half of our wrap. If our accum phase gets above 1, subtract 1 to wrap the value back down to the specified min property of our accum (default 0). Note that it does not wrap directly to our min; for example, if our current phase exceeds our max property by .1, the phase will subsequently be wrapped to .1 higher than the value of our min property. (for example: 1.1 - 1 = .1).

  7. if( memory[0] < 0 ) memory[0] += 1: The second half our wrap, checking to see if we've passed the lower bound determined by the min property. Note that for this particular example, this check is not necessary, as there's no way the phase will ever drop below 0... this means I should remove that line from the compiler output for optimization purposes. But it's in there at the moment, silently wasting CPU :(

  8. gen.out[0] = accum1_value: We mentioned before that gen.out is an array storing our callback's final output. Here we're assigning the value we read back in step 4. Note that we're using the value obtained before we increment our phase. This means that the first time the function runs, the output will be 0 instead of 0.009977324263038548.

  9. return gen.out[0]: For stereo callbacks we would return gen.out, instead of our 0 index. But here we're in mono so we're only returning the one value. Potentially this could be optimized to account for this and avoid the use of gen.out altogether for mono graphs.

I hope this gives you some idea of what the output of the compilation looks like. The genish.js playground will show you many more examples of compiled functions if you're interested in looking at more.

Phasors vs. accum and dynamic range

It turns out that creating a line between two values and specifying its frequency is a pretty common task in audio synthesis. There's a dedicated unit generator for this, the phasor. The following two lines of code generate functions that are almost, but not quite, equivalent in genish.js:

ramp = accum( 440 / gen.samplerate )
ramp = phasor( 440 )

The one significant difference is that, by default, accum outputs values in the range of {0,1} while phasor outputs a full-range audio signal of {-1,1}. If you compare the two (by wrapping each in calls to play) you'll notice that the phasor example is noticeably louder than the function generated using accum. phasor is basically a sawtooth oscillator, one of the most common oscillators used in subtractive synthesis. We can also easily generate a "reverse sawtooth":

An oscillator signal in reverse sounds more or less identical to their forward counterpart when driven at higher frequencies; however, they can produce dramatic differences when used to modulate other oscillators at lower frequencies.

Sine waves

While the humble ramps created using accum are very important in synthesis, nothing is more important than sine waves. They form the basis for many forms of synthesis (classical FM and additive to name two) and are also important in audio analysis. Part of their power comes from the fact that, ideally, they contain only one fundamental frequency. In our previous sawtooth example, the base frequency was present but so were many, many overtones... multiples of the oscillators base frequency that give the sawtooth oscillator its distinctly brassy sound. Sine osillcators sound pure in comparison.

Creating a sine oscillator using genish is simple:

The cycle ugen creates a sine wave by looking up values in a table (included in genish.js) and interpolating between them. By pre-calculating and storing a single cycle of a sinewave, we can avoid having to calculate waveforms in realtime and simply change the speed that we read the table at to vary its fundamental frequency (this is commonly known as wavetable synthesis). However, if we know a little bit about the formula for a sinewave[5], we can also create one using ugens found in genish.js:

The sin() ugen simply calculates the trigonometric sin of a number using JavaScript's built-in Math.sin function. In this case we multiply a phasor by PI[6], calculate the sin of the result, and we've created a sine oscillator from "scratch" in gen. But since it's computationally more efficient to use the lookup table of cycle (not to mention much quicker to type) we'll use that for the rest of the examples.

Modulation and interaction (aka make a "theremin")

Let's do some basic modulation using sinewaves. Modulation can be simply thought of as using one signal to change the output of another. In this case we'll perform frequency modulation to create vibrato in an oscillator. Vibrato is regular fluctuations in the frequency of a sound (often heard in singing) in contrast to tremolo, which is fluctuations in loudness

In the example below, we'll first create a sine oscillator with a range of {-20,20} by wrapping a call to cycle in a mul. This will be our modulator; we'll use it to fluctuate our carrier frequency by +/- 20 Hz. Then we'll create a second cycle ugen that will add our modulation to a base frequency of 440 Hz, creating our vibrato.

OK, great. Now let's add some interaction so that we can control both the base frequency and the depth of the modulation. We'll do this using the param() ugen, which enables you to directly manipulate a number stored in the memory of any callbacks generated by genish by accessing a .value property. In the example below, genish only requires a single Float32 of memory, which will wind up being indexed at gen.memory.heap[0] inside the audio thread; if we had other ugens running these would be using memory indexed at other parts of the heap. Having a single Float32Array used for memory during audio callbacks is one of the big performance wins of genish.js. The important element of param is that it removes the need for you, the developer, to worry about the location of the memory in the heap. You simply change the .value property and this is done for you on the audio thread behind the scenes.

With that said, we can setup some interaction that looks at the position of our mouse cursor:

FM (Frequency Modulation) Synthesis

When we use frequency modulation with high-frequency, high-amplitude signals interesting sonic results can occur. John Chowning codified how a range of musically complex sounds could be created with just a pair of sine oscillators. His technique, named FM synthesis, was responsible for the best-selling hardware synthesizer of all time, the Yamaha DX-7, heard on countless records from the 80s and still commonly used in electronic music today.

There are a couple of simple tricks in FM synthesis. When describing them, the term carrier refers to a oscillator that uses a base frequency corresponding to the pitch we want to generate, while the term modulator refers to an oscillator that is modulating the carrier in a way that the pitch (typically) remains the same, but results in interesting timbral changes.

  1. A fixed ratio should govern the relationship between carrier and modulation frequencies; let's call this the carrier-to-modulation ratio or c2m. For example, if our c2m is 2 and our carrier is using a base frequency of 440 Hz, our modulator should then have a frequency of 880Hz. Maintaining this frequency relationship is part of what provides a consistent timbre to the sounds genered by FM synthesis across pitches.

  2. The amplitude of the modulator is also governed by the frequency of the carrier using a ratio named the index. This is another key to FM synthesis: using modulators with extremely high amplitudes that windup creating (potentially) large number of sideband frequencies when modulating the carrier. If the index of our FM recipe is 4, and our carrier frequency is again 440, then the amplitude of the modulator winds up being 1760 (much louder than 11).

Given these two simple rules, let's make a simple gong sound in genish.js. A classic FM gong recipe is to use a c2m value of 1.4 and a index value of .95. We'll need to create two cycle objects, set the frequency and amplitude of the modulator to track the frequency of the carrier, and then apply an amplitude envelope to get a decaying gong sound.

Single-Sample Feedback

One of the advantages of genish.js over other JavaScript libraries is that you can easily perform single-sample feedback. This means you can, for example, calculate the output of a cycle ugen, and then use that output to modulate its frequency when the next sample is calculated. This is in contrast to block-based processing, where each ugen processes many samples at a time for efficiency reasons, eliminating the ability to render an entire audio graph on a sample-by-sample basis.

Let's take a look at using feedback to modulate cycle. We will use the single-sample delay ugen, or ssd[7], to store each sample and then report it back. In a way the ssd ugen is actually two ugens wrapped in one: the ssd.in() ugen records a sample while the ssd.out ugen returns the last recorded sample. With that in mind, here's some simple feedback:

The results in the above example aren't particularly exciting, but you'll probably here that the resulting timbre is more complex than that of a simple sine oscillator. However, feedback is a critical component of FM synthesis. If you look at a chart showing the thirty-two routing possibilities of the DX7(called algorithms by Yamaha) you'll note that every one contains a single-sample feedback path.

Creating a delay line

The ability to single-sample feedback means you can create complicated feedback networks using genish.js. The core component of a feedback network is the delay line, which uses a delay ugen to delay an input signal by an specified number of samples; the output of the delay can then be fed back into itself to create a series of echos. In the example below, we'll create a series of random pitches played at random times using the noise() and sah() ugens. noise simply returns a random number between {0,1} using JavaScripts Math.random function. The sah ugen (which stands for sample-and-hold) accepts three arguments: first, an input signal; second, a control signal that can trigger sampling; and third, a threshold that the control signal must cross for sampling to occur. The sah ugen will continuously output its last sampled value. With this in mind, our first line will be:

const frequencyControl = sah( add( 220, mul( noise(),880 ) ), noise(), .99995 )

... which basically translates to 'pick a new frequency between 220 and 1100 every time a noise signal goes above .99995'.

Creating FM Feedback

Now that we've used the ssd ugen in a couple of different ways, let's go ahead and incorporate it into our simple 2-op FM synth. Our new synth will have a modulator that, in addition to modulating the carrier oscillator, will also modulate its own frequency. On each sample, we'll take the output of the modulator, average it with our feedback, and use the resulting average to modulate the carrier. Last but not least, when we record the output of the modulator, we'll also multiply it using the same attack-decay envelope that is being used to control the volume of the carrier oscillator. This means that as our synth gets louder, the amount of feedback applied to the modulator will increase, which is a nice effect.

We'll also introduce a new ugen, seq, which enables you to specify a series of values and timings for when those values should be emitted. We will use the seq.trigger property to retrigger the attack-decay envelope we're using. This code example is a little bit longer, but hopefully if you've gone through the rest of this tutorial you'll be able to make some sense out of it.

Using genish.js on your own website

Hopefully, you will eventually want to run genish.js in your own projects. Here are the steps:

  1. You load the genish.js library. If you download the repo from GitHub the file you want to load in your script tag is 'dist/gen.lib.js'.
  2. Create an audio context with genish.utilities.createContext()
  3. On user interaction with your page, call genish.utilities.playWorklet( yourGenishGraphHere ). Web browsers do not allow sound to begin before users interact with sites.

I've created a couple of example files that you can use as templates. The first plays a modulated sine tone and is primarily designed to go through the basic setup of the AudioContext and an AudioWorklet node (with ScriptProcessor as a backup). Perhaps most importantly, it demonstrates connecting the standard Web Audio API nodes to nodes created by genish.js.

The second file uses our FM gong example, but extends it so that our amplitude envelope also modulates our index property. In practice, this winds up tying the brightness of the sound to its amplitude, which is a correlation commonly found in acoustic instruments.

Odds and Ends

The next place to go is the genish.js playground, which has a variety of DSP exampmles.. I think one of the best examples of what genish.js does is the Freeverb example. Not because of its amazing sound quality, but rather because it illustrates the one of the main ideas of genish: it's not the kitchen sink. Many other libraries will give you pre-built comb and all-pass filters; instead, genish enables you to write your own with six or seven lines of code. Thus, the ugens that are included with genish.js are typically there because they are fundamental building blocks of DSP.

There are exceptions to this; some ugens in genish.js are simply aggregates of others. The slide, ad, and adsr ugens are all of examples of these; none of these ugens contain compilation instructions specific to them, instead they just output subgraphs of ugens that do contain compilation instructions. So, perhaps I didn't need to include an adsr ugen (the gen~ library in Max/MSP doesn't), but it seemed like something that a lot of people would spend a lot of time remaking if it wasn't included.

  1. For more information on sampling frequency, see this incredibly excellent tutorial..

  2. http://cs.au.dk/~dsound/DigitalAudio.dir/Papers/MaxMathews.pdf

  3. For a ugen supporting audio-rate modulation of min and max properties, see the counter ugen

  4. The outputted code in more recent versions of genish is typically very different than what is shown here, as there is a significant amount of boilerplate required to create a AudioWorklet. However, much of the code remains the same as what is in this tutorial, and the ideas behind the generated code are still very relevant, so I've avoided rewriting this section. Try running the very first example in the genish playground if you're curious about the differences!

  5. All you want to know about sinewaves (well, maybe...), clearly explained with great visuals.

  6. Although the formula for a sine wave specifies that a phasor should be multiplied by 2PI, this assumes that the range of the phasor is {0,1}. Since our range is twice as large {-1,1} we use plain old PI instead.

  7. In the Max/MSP/Jitter gen~, the ssd ugen is called history. Unfortunately, the main JavaScript window object already has a property named history on it (that stores your browsing history) so we had to use a different name. ssd is at least a little bit terser, even if it's entirely obtuse when you first see it.