Quickstart for Reason synth template
1. Map one of the sliders or knobs on your controller to send cc 10. In the other panel of controlAid, set the channelCC value to be 10.
2. Program other sliders and knobs on your controller to send cc 30-37.
3. Launch ControlAid. Under midi/prefs, choose your controller as one of the MIDI inputs.
4. Under the i/o section of controlAid, select your controller from the pulldown menus on the left hand side. Set your controller to output note messages only on cAidOutput2, and CC mesages only on cAidOuput3.
5. Start Reason and open the reasonSynthTemplate included in the download.
6. In the Advanced MIDI tab of the Reason preferences, select cAidOuput2 for the Bus A midi input. The note messages from your controller will now be sent to this bus so that you can play your softsynths.
7. Under Remote Control, select cAidOutput3. The cc messages from your controller will now be used to control all synth parameters. This allows you to bypass the default MIDI map that comes with Reason.
8. There are four synths available in this template, mapped to channels 1-4. Which ever knob you mapped to cc 10 earlier will select which synth is currently being controlled. It does this by selecting the channel that Reason will receive your controllers MIDI messages on. Use this knob to change the channels and notice how your keyboard controls the different synths.
9. The knobs/faders you mapped to cc 30-37 are used to control the level of each synth and the filter frequency, resonance and envelope. Notice that the knobs always control the same synth that your keyboard is controlling (there are ways around this).
10. Take a look at the MIDI map for Reason to get a better idea of what is going on.

Quickstart for Reason Mixer map:
1. Map one of the sliders or knobs on your controller to send cc 10.
2. Program any other sliders or knobs to send cc 30 - 39.
3. Launch ControlAid. Under midi/prefs, choose your controller as one of the MIDI inputs.
4. Start Reason and open the reasonMixerTemplate file included in the download
5. In Reasons preferences, under Advanced MIDI set controlAidOutput to be the input for Remote Control.
6. Use the cc messages you mapped earlier to control the parameters for a given track.
7. Use the knob you mapped to cc 10 to control which track you are controlling. This template is setup to control the knobs and volume slider in tracks 1-14 and the master track in Reason.
8. Look at how the channel selection in controlAid affects the channel manipulated in Reason.
9. Take a look at the midi map for the Reason file (options >Edit MIDI map) to get a feel for what's happening.
10. Under the mouse settings in controlAid, set mouseMode1 to respond to cc 30 on the xAxis, cc31 on the y axis. Check the box labelled switchChn#.
11. Under the play tab, click the box for mouseMode1, or press cmd+1. Notice that the movements of your mouse now control aux sends 1 and 2 for the currently selected track.

The MIDI map for the Reason template breaks down as follows:

cc messages 30 - 33 control the 4 aux sends on the selected channel

cc message 34 controls the treble, 35 controls the bass

cc message 36 controls the pan

cc message 37 controls the volume